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A Wilful Sojourn

Portrait by students from Maiden Erlegh School; Source:

The circumstances that we currently find ourselves in are entirely unique. Within the four walls of a halted existence, the passing of time has once again proven itself to be a farce. March has merged into October, hours have forcibly been stretched into months, the fire of one indignation has passed over to several other excesses that were committed against the very spirit of democracy—all while resisting hands were made to fold over plates, police and propaganda. Amidst the immense loss of life, livelihood and freedom, especially with the media houses constantly failing us, alternate safe-spaces that provide a counter-narrative become more crucial than ever. In this attempt, various discussions involving our editorial board, faculty members, and student community, gave birth to this blog—Sojourn. Tucked somewhere in an ocean of web addresses that don’t appear on the front page of your search engines, Sojourn aims to serve as an inviting space that enables the creation of not just a counter-narrative, but also the blossoming of creative expression and words of solace, because ultimately, we’re all in this together.

This endeavour to create a blog, a new platform for creative expression for the college community, solely through online interactions has been a fascinating learning experience. But what is to be considered while mapping this new space, is how exclusive it is. The platform itself works on the assumption that members and readers have assured digital access and supportive homes and environments that facilitate such creative and academic interactions to take place. However, this isn’t the case for a vast majority of students and in this moment, the digital divide, that is so entrenched in the matters of access and education, is more pronounced than ever. It is up to us then, to contemplate the very exclusionary nature of such platforms and the echo-chambers of thought that they create. We must – as aspiring writers, journalists and artists – try to question the very institutions that we’re a part of.

Until this awareness is actualised, Oghma: The English Editorial Society of Indraprastha College for Women, tries to break free from the shackles of exclusivity that come with it being an ECA society, and invites entries from even those students that aren’t a part of the society. In these uncertain times when the much sought after ‘bigger-picture’ is elusive, Sojourn attempts to meditate on the little certainties that we do have, while providing a safe space and support to voice the uncertainties that bog us down; to describe the struggles of the microcosmic-everyday and the trivialities of a quarantined existence; to pen the verses of dissent that struggle to breathe free in the current political scenario.

Now that time has stopped for all of us, let us then together tell ourselves that it is okay to take a pause and breathe; it is time for a wilful sojourn.

-Apoorva & Ria


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