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‘Have Faith, You’ll Make It’

Source: Light at End of Tunnel by Olga Zavgorodnya

Faith works like a miracle. It is the only virtue that clings to you when everything is lost, when all hope has disappeared into thin air, and nothing seems to bring peace. Maybe faith is just another name for magic, the spells of whose being haven’t been deciphered yet, but they still work just fine. Fine enough to bring sanity to this shattered, peace-devoid mind of ours. They say it’s all in your head; your mind is making you feel at loss. Well maybe they’re right. But isn’t it true that the mind in itself is the temple of true love? If the heart is where love springs, then the mind is where it becomes something unimaginably beautiful. It can hold more beauty than nature itself. And faith, just like love, resides as much in the mind as it does in the heart. It is indeed a virtue that takes birth in our self-centered minds only when we lose something that we hold dear to us. It determines our path after life has jolted us with its unpleasant surprises and unexpected tragedies. As long as one holds on to faith, good fortune holds on to him. It is an amalgamation of faith, perseverance, and the ability to seize the opportunity that paves the route to success.

JK Rowling, the best selling author of the Harry Potter novels called herself the biggest failure she knew, yet it was faith that led her from rags to riches. She was confronted by the worst of tragedies, including her mother’s sudden death who had been her only inspiration and support. Her manuscripts were scrapped by publishers and she was condemned for penning down what was “unreal and overly imaginative.” Faith is believing, and believing is the key to instigating new zeal that helps us achieve success in our endeavors. And that is exactly what made her one of the best selling authors of all times. It is only after the longest and darkest of nights that the mornings seem to bring new hope and the breeze seems to deprive the world of its monotony. Similarly, faith is the initiating element that brings solace to man when tranquility seems to be far-fetched.

It takes tremendous courage to let go of one’s fear and take a leap of faith. But it’s definitely worth giving it our all. Death is the only certainty in this uncertain world. Everything is transitory. A person dies once and then all is over. But in certain senses, this might not be true. In times of crisis, those lacking faith die of fear. They die not once, but several times. A dear friend of mine once said, “What is meant to be always finds a way,” and I believe that it is nothing but faith in one’s destiny and righteous action that can help one achieve what is the best. I strongly agree with the words of Helen Keller, “Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.”

Varnika Mathur

Second Year

BAP (Economics and HRM)

Edited by Manisha Kalita and Priyambada Kashyap

Art curated by Nivedita S


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