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The Day We Ended

SOURCE: Pinterest

Seconds away from a collision

I saw into the future,

That's how I feel now.

As I wait for my name to be erased from your lips;

I had already seen myself with a wounded shoulder when our bike tilted

That's how I see you now;

Your face stoned and eyes filled with hatred.

Inches away from the concrete

I could already taste the earthy metallic taste and the smell of the sun

That's what I taste now;

The saltiness of my regret and the lingering smell of your friendship.

But even as I landed

I could not see but the back of my father's head,

Landing in the middle of the road with a thud

Just as I see now;

The marks my stabbings have left on you

And the years they will take to heal.

Anwesha Kashyap


Third Year

Art Curated By Angel Rose Thomas

Edited by Dhritimona Bharadwaj


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