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Art by Akash Bhiskar

Draped in a pink saree

with white polka dots,

she was sent far away

in a mahogany wooden palanquin

after rituals and vows

with an old man

sulking with diseases

who soon went away

farther than she had come,

and exactly where she would go

after living her last breaths.

But she was still young.

Tiny, with big wailful eyes,

draped up in innocence,

unaware of the social evils

or even of the trap she had fallen in.

And times unfortunate

had deprived her of her childhood,

her joys, her spirits, and left her with no good.

A shaved off head,

a pale face,

a zealless soul,

no more whining,

as if she had wailed enough,

and had no energy left,

not even to embrace grief.

Draped in a white saree,

with huge polkas of disapproval and pain on it,

she was slowly being dragged afar,

towards horrifying yellow flames,

stinking of three demises,

he, she, and humanity.

Bidisha Maharana

Third Year

B.A. (Hons.) History

Edited by Shalika Tripathi and Anshika Srivastava

Art curated by Khushi Kaul


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