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A Box Full of Memories

Source: Pinterest

Years have passed; friends have come

and gone,

but that box full of memories

always brings them back,

with those polaroids, diaries, writings and journals,

little bits and pieces rushing back to my mind,

hitting me like a roller coaster.

There are always memories of good times

stuck at the back of my head,

rejuvenating themselves, leaving me in awe.

Every bit accompanied by its lesson,

making me realize how full of

spice and surprises this life is.

Flashbacks, in my brain,

making me recollect every other detail.

Bits of laughter, specks of tears,

all have collectively made these memories

worth their remembrance.

Makes me nostalgic,

the reservoir of reminiscences.

By -

Bhoomi Sati

B.A (Hons.) Psychology

3rd Year

[Art Curated by Ritika Mittal

Edited by Shreya Jathavedan]


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