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The End is the Beginning


The sun was setting and twilight was falling;

I stood there, glancing up at the sky.

I've been running for quite a long time.

Running away from memories from the past,

I've been ruining my present moments

in anticipation of the future!

But that day

I wanted to stop, at least for a while;

I wanted to feel the gust of wind on my skin.

I gazed at the lily-white clouds sliding swiftly,

engulfing the scarlet sun within them.

I clapped eyes on the charming red beams of sunlight.

I felt as if the ashy gray clouds

took away the light

from the earth, and from my life too!

Then, I thought,

won't the sun rise again the next day?

Won't it shine, making the whole earth alive again?

Yes, it will;

it will illuminate the path of our lives.

I glanced up at the sky once again;

I could see streaks of glaring colors amidst the clouds.

I looked around at nature and realized,

the rain that showers after a hot, torrid day,

the rainbow that comes after a storm,

the flowers that bloom in spring,

all they reveal is that

the end is the beginning!

I feel afflicted by the cyclone of my life;

I feel fragile and futile at times.

But I have learnt,

life doesn't end with the tragedy of sadness;

it starts again with the magic of happiness!

The next time I see a storm coming,

I’ll put on a faltering yet unflinching smile

because I know

the rainbow would be waiting on the other side.

Namrata Kalita

BA Political Science Hons

Semester III

Art curated by Uma Sathwika Manda

Edited by Kanchana Chakravarty and Shreya Jathavedan


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