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A Gentle Breeze

A gentle breeze

visited me as I turned to sleep;

a chance guest

in the summer heat,

bringing with it sighs

of a city settling in.

A gentle breeze

spoke unto me,

secrets of the Elysian Fields;

the vastness of the ocean ridge

carrying with it scents of

the distant shores and open beach,

teasing me

as I slept in dreams,

of places I had never seen,

nor could I ever see.

And thus, I lay

in brooding melancholy,

till day broke me free

of my gloom and misery.

Always a stranger, I to the world

and the world,

beyond my reach.

Soumyarupa Das

B.A (Hons) Political Science

(Edited by Debaruna and Pallavi

Art Curated by Devangana)


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