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A Letter from First Snow

Source: Pixabay

Like a hazy shadow, the conundrum of this existence comes back tearing behind me.

Like an unresolved puzzle, my conscience, broken into shards of mirror,

as though reflecting every inch of a pitiful self.

Thoughts of you appear at times, like a thousand fiery stars,

like a thousand unanswered questions making their way through my heart again,

like a heavy cup that I kept bottomless on those nights I shed a tear, freezing on my skin,

like a prayer that I know has gone unheard again, as the last glow of the incense succumbed.

By and by, the world goes away in an abandoned second,

as if the moment which passed never even existed.

When my senses are muddled by my solitude,

my eyes conjure images of us together on a colourful autumn morning.

Beautiful you, walking around tracing cherry blossoms with your fingers,

the ever-intertwining vines of our innocence and furtive childhood.

Tell me, did you ever think, even for a second,

that I would not have hidden you from all the storms of time,

the ravages of the world, the wars of the unseen gods, had I known?

I had found you. And I lost you.

Cruel friend of mine, you have left me no other way than to shed tears forever,

on the granite and the flowers that protect you now.

I have long left your blossoms there.

Go now and enjoy your days in the garden of my dreams.

When this snow ends, I will be with you,

playing and fighting and painting and running and jumping and laughing.

I will reach for you like a travelling broken maple leaf looking for its final rest.

Dristi Buzarbaruah

B.A. (H) History

Second Year

[Edited by: Surabhi and Priyambada

Art curated by Anamika Chaurasiya and Shreya Jathavedan]


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