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A very important person

Source: (Before Sunrise)

Fluorescent lights

disco nights

women on men

men on women

stale conversations

me left on my own;


A girl twirls,

a boy catches her.

I twirl, but then I wonder…

who would catch me?

The time that separates us,

or the vast ocean’s length stretched between us?

I left on my own;


Bottles are opened and passed around,

a dilemma in my heart painfully pounds.

The last time we got drunk

you had ended up on me,

I ended up on you.

If I drink;

the gaping whole will only widen.

They talk about numbers to numb the pain.

A measure of success!

They measure that in tiny glasses

of fluid;

I wonder…if success is that finite.

But, my love for you is infinite.

I take the bottle,

take a swig.

drag my silks across the floor.

You aren’t here,


I twirl and the silks tangle in my feet.

I fall,


and fall…

- Bhairavi Yadav

(B.A. (Hons.) Psychology)

(Edited by Bisni and Pallavi

Art curated by Ritika)


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