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Again, She Couldn’t…

Image source: Pexels;

She watched as the sun went down,

embracing the ocean’s bosom;

dwelling into the depths of its serenity,

it smiled at the life forms the ocean sheltered,

and gracefully drowned in formidability.

Looking at the pages of her diary,

now damp with tears,

she gently felt the breeze,

for it had the fragrance of love.

For the moon was she herself

and the sun was he who had her heart;

she penned down their tale,

hoping it would reflect hers at par.

She didn’t complain, though her heart ached;

she didn’t tell him how her soul bled out.

Shedding all her glory,

she simply delved into anonymity.

For that’s how it had always been,

as the seekers of truth had seen;

for the sun and the moon might have been in love for a few moments,

but forever, they weren’t meant to be.

The sun was strong and worthy and wanted,

and it had shared its heart with so many;

the moon knew her love can’t be returned

despite being true and weighed deeply.

They say those in love are separated,

but in her case, they were never truly together.

Yes, she had millions of stars to be with

but the sun had already touched her soul much more deeply.

Envious, the stars walked to the moon and asked,

‘Why haven’t you expressed it so far?’

To this she forced a smile and said,

‘Because then he won’t hurtfully peep at me while being with someone who isn’t me.’

Only if they both knew

that the heart aches the most for the things it can’t have,

never would they have fallen for each other

even if it were a matter of moments.

The love that makes breeze swirl with joy

is simply too beautiful to be felt,

for they who dare to love and lose,

know it is full of despair.

Her attempts at expression went futile,

for the sun and the moon were still luckier;

they met at the break of dawn and in the shadows of dusk,

but the person she had loved was nowhere near.

The soaking pages were then torn by her

as she realised that the sun would always empower the moon;

for its light blessed the moon in the dark

but her love story was destined to be doomed.

Varnika Mathur

BAP (Economics and HRM)

Second Year

Edited by Esha Yadav and Priyambada Kashyap

Art Curated by: Risti Ghosh


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