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Atone: The Definition of Illness

Artwork by Jun Cen / for NBC News

The body shows not a single sign;

the skin has no marks;

the temperature is perfectly fine.

Below the eyes, there are just circles—dark.

The boy claims that he is unwell,

but no one understands the reason why.

Everyone starts to rebuke and repel;

no one tries to reach out to his cry.

What exactly went wrong?

Probably the definition of sickness,

as it means visible signs and not being physically strong;

far fetched is the idea of mental illness.

If the problem is not visible

it does not mean that it is not there.

The problem is still diagnosable

for which the boy needs proper love and care.

What needs to be fixed is not the boy's avowal,

rather, it is the people's mindset,

because mental health, too, is equally vital.

It is much more than just not being upset.

Stay still and listen out to such folks;

allow them to vent out their inner feelings.

Talk to them, share a couple of jokes;

your presence might help them in healing.

What mental health needs, is more unashamed discussion,

and to be a concept more accepted and known.

Not another fellow shall face this problem’s repercussion;

let's make the boy believe that he is not alone.

Together you and I will ensure they atone,

together you and I will ensure they atone.

Mansha Gupta

First Year

B.A. (Hons.) Psychology

[Edited by Priyambada Kashyap and Shreya Jathavedan

Art Curated by Priyambada Kashyap]

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