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Source: Flickr

There is a curtain between where I stand and they sit. Around me are giggles, squeals of laughter, and supposed happiness. Yet, they have frowns on their faces and a serious look in their eyes. I strain to catch phrases of their talk, which is shrouded by the cheerful banter of women around me. They, the men, talk as if they have the sole right to comment on “things that matter”. Discussions on politics and the economy ensue, with one grey head imposing opinions on another.

Yet, here I sit, a girl, expected to smile and babble. How I long to walk through the curtains, thick and opaque, yet as transparent as glass ceilings. How I wish to go up to the greybeards and challenge their notions of the world.

And yet, I don’t.




Now that I look back, it is a faint memory, but one that continues to haunt me. Not because of my exclusion as a woman, but for my cowardice to shatter the barriers around me.

- Ria Khetarpal

B. A. (H) History

Batch of 2021

(Edited and Art Curated by: Shreya Jathavedan)


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