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[TW: Death, suicide]

Artwork: Edvard Munch, "Ashes", 1925 ; Source:

On 15 October, 2020, they found a handwritten letter near the graveyard. It was written by Arthem to Ashely two years ago.

Arthem and Ashley were childhood lovers and Arthem loved her so much that he could have done anything for her. They were together for almost 19 years and they promised to each other to be together forever; unfortunately, he was diagnosed with a deadly disease. He couldn’t help but regret the chances he hadn’t taken. Ashley gave up everything just to take care of him. Arthem was just sad, lying on the bed and writing a song about how he felt regret and wanted to spend his whole life with her but that was simply impossible. She took care of him and always showed that she was strong but deep down, only she knew how scared she was to lose him. Doctors had given up and said that he only had a few days left. He would always try to fake a smile so that he could see her smile before saying his last goodbye to the love of his life. He knew he wouldn’t make it but always had hope that everything would be just like it was before again.

On 20 September, 2018, he gave up and Ashley sat there helplessly. She couldn’t believe what had happened although she had known it was coming. Ashley tried to commit suicide many times but couldn’t succeed; finally, she decided to live for him and do all the things that he wanted her to do.

After two years, she finally found the letter that Arthem had written for her:

“I don’t know why this has happened, but I probably deserve it,

I tried to do my best, but you know that I’m not perfect.

When I leave this earth, hoping you’ll find someone else cause we are still young,

there’s so much we haven’t done: getting married, start a family and watch your husband with his son.

I wish it could be me, but I won’t make it off this bed. I hope I go to heaven so I see you once again.

My life was kinda short, but I got so many blessings.

Happy you were mine, it sucks that it’s all ending.”

[Quoted: Lyrics from the song ‘death bed’ by powfu]


Tenzin Droima

[Art Curated by Ishika Kiran]


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