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Happiness is Toll-Free

Artist - Jacob Khaov

You never reach the limit to be happy,

unless you notice sunlight through a canopy.

That even in a deep dark forest of terror,

there can be a comedy of errors.

Completely impromptu.

Just from the things you look around.

Happiness is toll-free!

So why limit it to your cell?

Share it till long hours,

for not a penny to pay.

Among those thousand reasons to cry,

choose one to laugh,

even if it is scanty,

don't preserve it to last!

Because happiness is an open account,

not a locked-up fixed deposit.

Open for all and for all the time!

Happiness is that switch on the light board,

but you can't be lazy to not switch it on.

Happiness is like that little baby,

it needs your attention,

to attend you properly.

So, nourish that kid,

And grow her up with some manners,

so that you don't have to shift to the old age home of sorrows.

Joy is in the little things,

follow them to cherish the bigger ones.

Happiness is not a dream.

It is part of life,

to be lived in part and parcel.

But in every single day of your life.

- Bidisha Maharana

(BA (Hons.) History)

(Edited by Guniya and Pallavi

Art curated by Pallavi)

1 Comment

Really nice.

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