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It’s okay

Art curated by Devangana

To the ones trying to find true love in this world,

you must be searching for the one who shall hold your hand

on empty roads and not in empty rooms;

your heart may be aching to find the one

whom you want to spend an eternity with

while all you see coming forward is a fading, bleak,

ray of hope.

It's okay to seek happiness in small things,

long for short letters,

to expect compliments,

to wait for those ‘first time’s or to pause

and make the first move.

It's okay to fantasize you and your beloved

holding hands, staring at sunsets,

your heart is a room and she, your first guest.

Your idea of love is just too pure for this generation,

you seek a lifetime where they just seek infatuation.

-Tanya Tripathi

B.Com (H)

(Edited by Priyambada and Pallavi)


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