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It’s Okay To Be Lost

Needleshaped Silence III | Art by: øejRum

I was drifting away in the darkness, feeling numb, wrecked. Something was pulling me under in a tight grip, grasping my heart and my body, which was exhausted from carrying the burden of my soul. That's how it felt like, you know? A terrifying silence and no hand to hold. My breathing was rapid, my heart was pounding and yet it felt like there was no blood rushing through my veins. It hurt everywhere but no bones were broken, no symptoms were noted, just an unexplainable, undiagnosed evil that was feeding on what was left of me. How much longer could I have gone struggling in silence? I wonder. But asking for help didn't feel like an option then. It was getting harder to have faith and believe that there was still hope. But I kept holding on. I think I had some desire left in me to breathe again, to smile again, to be myself again. And today, as I pour my heart out, I am glad that it was enough; I was enough. It didn't get better for a long time. In fact, it got worse sometimes but then one day it started getting better. The pain faded away and my body felt a calmness it hadn't felt in ages.

If you relate to this, then I know that you're tired and your heart is crumbling. But I promise you that there is strength within you. You are strong. You are enough, and what you're feeling is not a weakness or a shameful phase.

By -

Sukoon Wadhawan

First Year


[Edited by: Guniya Sharma

Art curated by: Guniya Sharma]


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