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New Beginnings

Artist - Heather Stone

23.12.18 was the day I

wanted to go far away,

from the city sounds and toxic breeze

to live life with some ease.

Thoughts like this are rare

because people around me don't have their time to spare,

winter days back then were hard for me,

school too ended with an opposed decree.

I was in search of happiness,

because past December days were totally meaningless,

crying over what other humans would think

of my whites ruined by others’ black ink

was all that I knew and believed

but that day something made me realise,

crying for others and only others is stupidity

their fate would someday get ruined by their own cupidity.

Don't think twice,

forget the irrational advice.

All those forbidden fences,

and the greener grass underneath those white benches

are calling you.

You need to breathe some fresh air

to convince your brain that nobody cares.

With all these thoughts wrapped around my head,

I went to paddy fields and dry woods through tiny tracks,

saw golden lands and golden sky.

Nature at its best was blessing my eye.

Could hear the tiny sparrows chirruping,

and all other complementary happenings

Almost made my day.

Slowly and slowly the white fur balls in the sky turned to pink cotton candy,

and my white polished shoes turned sandy

The sun that brightened the sky at noon

started to vanish soon,

layering the large canvas with orange highlight

like warning you for the upcoming cold night,

gave me a new meaning to live

a new beginning to perceive.

All it took was the magic of dusk,

that tore my unapologetic lusk.

I am now a new soul,

a new person with new beginnings and new dreams.

Reality check it was,

a transformation phase it was.

But all together it was fun and new,

I am now a better person from the heart and from the mind.

I am good.

I am me.

-Chinmoyee Neog

B.A. (Hons.) Geography

(Edited by Priyambada and Pallavi

Art curated by Pallavi)


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