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Not a sojourner like you

Artwork by Ashley Bradley; Instagram: @ashleybradleyart

Not a good time

to end our story;

empty slippers, t-shirts, and rooms

beckon me

and rewind

your journey

in decaying glory.

No more do I hear

your steps on the stairs.

Your coffee mug

in shock

awaits you like a rock.

Your presence here was nothing

but a selfish sojourn.

You couldn’t conquer the virus

and left me alone.

All your bogus claims

went with you:

your ability to catch a star, a moon,

and a planet too!

These photographs on our wall

have imprisoned us

and now there’s only me

with you long gone.

I wish you weren’t the one,

For Dr—, now it’s done.

Your martyrdom has taught me

to care less for one and all

for who are we

but impotent forces

hitting at and being hit by

this big, bluish green ball?

-Shambhavi Mishra

(Edited by Pallavi

Art curated by Anshika)

1 Comment

Priyambada Kashyap
Priyambada Kashyap
Oct 18, 2020


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