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Strands of hair

By Bia Oliveira (Source:

My comb rushing through the length of my hair,

strands scattering here and there,

like memories separating from me.

On the floor

they form a tapestry

of events still alive in me

Perhaps they resemble

the broken pieces of my soul,

as I gather them

to make a convoluted whole.

What am I to do with this segregated self?

Can I rely on a fairy or perhaps an elf?

To weave these strands while I sleep,

into a tiara: eternal and deep.

Memories do not live with me,

Alzheimer's killed them long before

I could jot them down in a diary.

I fumble with everything

failed to recognise anybody around me,

O brain! Such an unfaithful partner thou could be!

Every corner of me has been abandoned,

while perplexities and frustrations

lay abundant.

I’m living in a murky oblivion,

as abortive

as a broken crayon.

I’m often perturbed by a man and his engaging talks,

he makes memories out of these fading locks,

and claims to be my husband,

but these locks of hair

resist befriending.

He shows me the photo album

while I stare blankly at him.

My befuddled stare makes him cry,

no matter how much one may try,

these strands of hair will spell transience,

for nothing stays eternal;

it all vanishes in seconds.

- Shambhavi Misra

(B.A. (Hons.) English)

(Edited by Shreya and Pallavi

Art curated by Anshika)


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