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To me, with love

Woman holding a bouquet, Stock Image.

//7th February (Rose Day) 

I finally cut those thorns

that have made me bleed

over and over again

and gifted myself 

the rose of happiness,

the sweet fragrance of freedom,

the deep red of love.

For myself.

//8th February (Propose Day) 

I go down on my knees.

No, wait!

I stand up

to myself,

for myself,

by myself

and propose to love myself

with every drop of the blood

that runs through my veins.

//9th February (Chocolate Day) 

I take the first bite 

of my first dark chocolate

to embrace 

the beauty of firsts 

and the significance 

of bitterness

in my chocolate,

in my coffee,

and in my life. 

//10th February(Teddy Day) 

I revisit my childhood

to bring back

my huge, pink teddy bear. 

And along with it

the dust that covers it

of my dreams and aspirations,

of my innocent past self

that I slept on. 

//11th February (Promise Day) 

I make a promise

to believe in myself,

to always put myself first,

to be responsible

for my own happiness,

to smile for no reason at all

and to NEVER forget my worth again. 

//12th February (Hug Day) 

I decide to hug

the stretch marks 

on my back,

the blemishes

on my skin,

the fat

of my tummy.

I decide to embrace 

each and every imperfection 

of my body 

that makes me, me. 

//13th February (Kiss Day) 

I kiss my past 


It has moulded me 

into who I am today.

But, I won't allow it

to stay,

to linger,

or to stain

my present

for it belongs to only me. 

//14th February (Valentine's Day) 

I treat myself

with love,

with compassion,

with care,

with respect,

with anything and everything

that I deserve.

Not just today

but for all the

dark mornings

and sleepless nights,

I will love 

Every inch of myself. 

- Videsha

  B.A Programme 


(Edited by Guniya and Pallavi

Art curated by Devangana)


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