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Artist - Karl Persson

What do we owe to each other?

Is it mountaintops and vast ocean-like happiness?

Is it strawberry-madness and chocolate dreams?

Should we give each other free rides and a fun scheme?

What is love?

Should we deal with their fears and hold them tight when they can’t breathe?

Or should we save our souls from the demons it could feast?

How far can you go to rescue someone from the burning woods,

and when should you stop and flee for your own skin?

Or should you drench your skin in fire and flee the world?

Excuse me, do you serve a cake, with cherry on top?

How much do you charge for it?

Would you please let me pay you back later, my children are starving hungry.

Where do the boundaries lie?

Who makes them and why?

Why do people fear pain,

more than they care for their lovers?

Why do we stop running when we are out of water?

The shallow ends of the ponds, can’t they suffice for the desert?

Or do we always want more?

Do we want the best of us when we own our worst?

Or do we only give the best of us when we are at our worst?

Do we create more than just scars on each other’s hearts and bodies?

Or do we yearn for what we can’t have and cover those souls?

Excuse me, ma’am; your purse fell out of your pocket.

May I please keep a twenty? I have to pay them back for feeding my children.

-Anchita Dua

B.A. (H) Political Science

(Edited by Priyambada and Pallavi

Art curated by Pallavi)


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