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Source: Pinterest


Something that sometimes escapes me,

but other times, pulls me into a dream

helping me escape reality.


I wake up confuzzled,

looking around,

still stuck in my dream.

Other times,

I wake up entirely refreshed,

still wanting to stay warm

underneath my bed sheets.

Most days though,

I am like an insomniac.

I stay up from one morning

to the next,

five am to five am,

six to seven,

random times – without tiring.

When sleep does come to

encompass me in its warmth,

I relish it,

breathing in the scent that only exists

in my dreams.

My breathing slows,

a soft snore escapes my lips,

And my head stills against the pillows,

surrendering itself to sleep.

It's funny though,

that my brain still wanders.

All through the night

(or morning), it wanders;

sometimes letting my conscious self in,

and other times, leaving the dreams unbeknownst

to me.

-Priyanshu Priya

First Year


[Edited by Priyambada Kashyap and Mehak Aggarwal

Art Curated by Priyambada Kashyap]


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