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Whispers of Women Long Gone

Artwork by: kamokugajin/deviantart

The way we flinch

even when a familiar hand touches us;

have you ever thought why?

All the women that

were touched the way they weren't supposed to be,

were buried for the way they spoke,

were strangled because they said "no".

All of them, they haven’t left us,

the ones who are still walking;

the ones who left or were made to leave,

now walk behind us.

They whisper into our ears,

"If you care for your life, you won't go there,"

"If you care for your life, you won't wear that,"

"If you care for your life, you will always say yes."

I can still hear them,

their screams, cries, silent tears – because

violent women are an exception,

though a necessity at times;

but violent men are the norm,

a plague all the time.

By -

Priyambada Kashyap

Third Year

B. A. (H) Psychology

[Edited by Guniya Sharma and Mehak Aggarwal

Art Curated by Ishika Kiran]


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